
Salvation Army of PNG

Brian Bell Chemicals has proudly donated two medical refrigeration units to The Salvation Army of PNG in partnership with the Sir Brian Bell Foundation.

Brian Bell Chemicals Divisional Manager (David Slape) explained that “The units are used to keep vaccines used in immunisation programs at controlled temperatures, to ensure they are stable and effective. With the solar panels, robust construction & high level of reliability, these units are designed for use in remote, regional areas. Brian Bell Chemicals are the regional agents in PNG & the Solomon Islands for these specialised machines made by BMedical Systems, from Luxemburg, Europe.”

The Sir Brian Bell Foundation has fully supported this community donation, & we also thank Mr. Ambrose Kwaramb, from the Department of Health for their support in training & installation.

Captain Christine Gee, Director of Health Services, The Salvation Army PNG, while thanking the sponsors, explained that “the first unit will go to Kwaipo in the Rigo District of Central Province; & the second unit to Misapi, a very remote location in the Okapa District of the Eastern Highlands Province. Both locations will use the units to store refrigerated vaccines, used for the immunisation of diseases such as Polio, Measles, Rubella, and Tetanus.”

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